May 13, 2024

Harris Welcomes New Yorkshire Team Members

In his latest blog, Mark Harris, Owner and CEO of Building Careers, welcomes two new recruitment experts to his business as we launch Building Careers Yorkshire.

"I am pleased to announce a significant milestone for Building Careers as we broaden our presence into the Yorkshire market. Today, we introduce two internally recruited professionals who will play pivotal roles in our expansion: Beth Marshall as Managing Consultant and Djamel BeniMoussa as Business Manager.

Our decision to venture into Yorkshire aligns seamlessly with our strategic vision, aimed at capitalising on untapped opportunities in a region brimming with potential. The Yorkshire market presents vast prospects, and we are seizing this opportune moment to propel our growth.

Djamel BeniMoussa brings a wealth of experience and expertise in the construction recruitment sector, with notable achievements in the industry. His proven track record and strategic acumen position him as a valuable member in spearheading our expansion efforts in Yorkshire.

Joining Djamel is Beth Marshall, whose understanding of the Yorkshire construction market is unparalleled. As our new Managing Consultant, Beth's strategic insights and industry knowledge will be instrumental in navigating the intricacies of the local landscape and driving sustainable growth for our firm.

This strategic move underscores our firm belief in the immense potential of the Yorkshire market and our commitment to capitalising on emerging opportunities. With Djamel and Beth at the helm, we are confident in our ability to establish a formidable presence in Yorkshire while delivering unparalleled value to our clients and candidates."

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Chadwick House White Moss Business Park Skelmersdale, West Lancs

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